日本財団 図書館


2) Trading


For Thailand, Japan is the biggest source of her imports and is the second largest export customer following the U.S.. The balance of trade has always been in favor of Japan.


While export from Thailand to Japan which was $950 million in 1985 expanded to $6.3 billion in 1993, import from Japan also jumped from $2.46 billion to $13.98 billion in the same time span. As a result, the trade deficit of Thailand swelled 5 times from $1.51 billion to $7.67 billion.


In order for them to encourage export to Japan in the future, direct investments by Japanese companies in this country are desired.


3) Economic assistance


Thailand is one of the high priority countries of assistance for Japan who shares 60 to 70 % of the total international assistance programs for Thailand. The future efforts will be directed toward development of infrastructure, environmental protection, regional development and personnel development.


Examples of the recent assistance programs are support of the eastern waterfront development, construction of environmental research and training center and Rahma IV high bridge. Also, in the cultural sector, we are actively participating in supporting the projects of the Social and Educational Center and the Ayutthaya Historical Museum.






